Hello and welcome to my half-assed page! So what's going on here then hey? simple. a whole bunch of psychedelic fractals I made because I like looking at this shit, and now you can too! Calling all these fractals is probably a bit of a stretch, but they were all made with ultrafractal, so whatever.

They're in a few sizes - wallpaper, 25 megapixel and HUGE 640 megapixel versions! What can you do with these? WHATEVER YOU LIKE. I used to make art like this to sell, but really I just want as many people to trip out as possible.. so yeah you can -legally- download these, print them off as big as you like or just stare at em on a screen til your eyeballs melt. Hey, I don't even care if you sell prints of them online yourself. I'm certainly not going to go to the effort to sell them, but if you want to, go for it!

If you print them to hang on your wall I would love to see a photo, and hey if you're in the middle of tripping out on these, why not send me an incoherent message? Sure it's never going to truly express what you're going through right now, but hey that's half the fun. Look! There's a message box on the right just below!

Acid Mess 4 & 5


Wallpaper (1920x1080)

25 Megapixel version (6400x4000)

HUGE 640 Megapixel version (32000x20000)

 Couldn't decide between 4 or 5 so why not have both?

Wallpaper (1920x1080)

25 Megapixel version (6400x4000)

HUGE 640 Megapixel version (32000x20000)


Mmm spiraaaaalllls

Wallpaper (1920x1080)

25 Megapixel version (6400x4000)

HUGE 640 Megapixel version (32000x20000)


Come on in and take a walk around!

Wallpaper (1920x1080)

25 Megapixel version (6400x4000)

HUGE 640 Megapixel version (32000x20000)


Mmm tasty tasty math candy cake!

Wallpaper (1920x1080)

25 Megapixel version (6400x4000)

HUGE 640 Megapixel version (32000x20000)

VortexTile 5

Here's a nice rainbow vortex tile thing I like to look at... it's apparently the 5th one, dunno what happened to the other 4 but really how many do you need?

1920x1080 Wallpaper

25 Megapixel version (6400x4000)

HUGE 640 Megapixel version (32000x20000)

Have fun!